Meet Our Advisory Board Member, Paulina

January 27, 2023

We would like to thank her for being willing to answer some questions for this article.

Who are you and what do you do?
“I’m a Venezuelan mother of two, currently supporting children with SEND in alternative provisions as an EM Tutor for Essex and Suffolk. I do this work with my heart, as many of the children I work with have been excluded from school and don’t have access to learning.”

What does your work involve?
“While the relevant Local Authorities work on finding suitable provision for these children, I take over and do my best to engage them in creative and fun ways to cover their educational goals. Empathy for the families of my learners, and intuition when delivering my sessions, are innate skills I have found essential to do this job.”   

“Apart from working as a tutor, I also enjoy working as a Board member for Dream The Change, where we assess, plan, and deliver the support our members need. Sailing through the ineffable SEND seas, both in my personal and professional life, has been a transformation, and I believe that sharing all the knowledge I’ve gained through the years is a treasure that must be shared with families like ours.”

We’re delighted that Dream The Change C.I.C. has been awarded a training programme sponsored by the Incredible Years Training for Essex based services/practitioners (for five to 12 years-olds). How do you feel about being chosen to be one of the trainees, along with another parent, Akpan Arit?
“I’m very grateful and looking forward to starting The Incredible Years programme, a fantastic opportunity awarded by Dream the Change C.I.C which is due to start on January 31st at The Oaktree Community Hall in Colchester.”

“In this training we will learn about the importance of promoting positive behaviours, interpersonal issues such as building social skills, and effective praise. I hope that bringing to our group this knowledge will help our group’s families to have a calmer and more positive relationship with their children despite the daily challenges we all face.”

Paulina and Arit will each receive a certificate after completing the three days training with the Ministry of Parenting. We are grateful to for this training as it means Dream The Change, CIC will then have our own trainers to benefit our community and will work with our families and support their children directly. We support empowerment of families we work with and encourage self-development in local communities through education, activities, raising awareness. Our work is under-pinned by engaging peer-to-peer volunteers to foster self-help, build community togetherness and strengthen peer support networks.

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